Hello and happy Friday afternoon. I hope you’ve had an
amazing week and that it only continues to get better as we
move into the weekend.
Things have definitely been moving and jumping at the WP
Affiliate Guide forum as well as behind the scenes.
The short WordPress Mini Site report is being finalized and
will be up for your enjoyment by the end of the weekend, so
keep your eyes peeled for that. And when that’s done, you
can expect a short FileZilla/FTP guide to follow.
Also, there have been some wonderful threads that you
should take a few moments to check out.
NetShops has increased their commissions on many stores
from 10% to 15%
You can now download a free copy of an excellent affiliate
marketing book by Jeremy Palmer
Learn what core WordPress files are and why you should try
to avoid editing them
If you’re working with datafeeds (or plan to), there’s a
free CSV editor you can download
There are things you can do to make the task of editing a
theme’s layout go a bit more smoothly
When you just need a good smile, this website will do the
It doesn’t end there. You can find plenty of other posts in
the forum which may help you improve your own affiliate
business and WordPress websites.
Remember, the forum is here for you. Don’t be afraid to use
it. If you have a question, feel free to search the forum
and see if it’s already been answered. If not, post it up
because it may help someone else who is experiencing a
similar problem.
That’s it for now!
Have a wonderful weekend,