Hello and happy Saturday,
Sorry for the out of the blue e-mail, no one really expected it
to happen on a Saturday morning, but it did. WordPress 2.5 has
officially launched and a brand new WP.org design along with it.
This version of WP is a *significant* one. Although it’s only a
minor version change (i.e. 2.3 to 2.5 as opposed to 2.3 to 3.0),
there will likely be a period of adjustment if you’ve become
comfortable with the cool blue layout and abundance of
navigation items in WP 2.3.x and below.
If you want to see a lot of the changes 2.5 will bring when
compared to 2.3.x, then read over the entry I wrote a couple
weeks ago. Although a few things have been tightened up for the
final release, it’s still fairly accurate.
Now, before you rush off to upgrade all of your blogs right away,
*proceed with caution*. While it’s unlikely that your themes will
be heavily affected by the new version, a few plugins which
perform special installation functions and add admin menus will
likely be broken.
Wild Tangent: The Simple Link Manager plugin has already been
updated to work with WP 2.5; just make sure you’re using version
0.2 and if you’re using the WPDFI script, make sure you’re using
version 2.5.1
You can download the most up to date version of the SLM plugin
by logging into your account and checking under ‘Your Purchases’
and you can find the most current WPDFI script at:
That said, make sure that you install WP 2.5.x in a test
environment first and play around with your current themes and
plugins before making the move to your production sites.
Without further ado, help yourself to the new version of WP if
you feel so inclined: http://wordpress.org/
If you’d rather do some reading first, then head over to the
official post:
That’s it for now. (Told you it would be a short one.)
Have a wonderful weekend!
To your success,