If you’re trying to build an interactive community on your website, repeat visits is crucial to success. People come back, invite their friends, help you grow. One way to invite people to come back to your website after they’ve taken the time to leave a comment is to install a plugin: Comment Relish.
The Comment Relish plugin is simple…it sends an email the first time someone leaves a comment on the website. This email can be customized and personalized to help you establish a rapport with that reader. However, if you run a heavily trafficked site or are on a shared host with certain restrictions, you’ll want to install the plugin with caution.
In case you don’t already know, backing up your website is important. Heaven forbid something tragic should happen such as your web host suffering from a massive hardware failure or your website getting, but in life, things do happen. So it’s better to be prepared now than sorry later. Plus, backing up a website isn’t difficult if you know how. Continue reading »
You might have read the title of this post and thought that my eyesight is slipping. I assure you, it’s not. I wrote blook, and I meant blook.
But, what’s a blook? Basically, a contraction of the term blog and book, which was coined way back in the day by Jeff Jarvis. Of course, the term has fallen out of use in recent years, but I’m hoping for a comeback. Continue reading »
I was a little taken aback when I was tagged me for this meme; I haven’t attained my ultimate success and probably never will (at least, not in this lifetime) because there are always new ideas to try, places to visit, people to meet, and things to learn. But all of that won’t stop me from enjoying the journey. After all, that’s what life is all about–the journey, right?
Also, this may catch some people off guard because these habits aren’t what one might expect. Here are some of the things I do each day, in no particular order, which I feel contribute to my successes: Continue reading »
In the introduction to the WordPress Affiliate Guide, I discuss the Super Affiliate Handbook by Rosalind Gardner. Its existence is the reason I don’t delve too deeply into certain subjects regarding affiliate marketing (such as domain name selection).
Rosalind’s book is about getting your affiliate marketing foundation set, while the WordPress Affiliate Guide is a flexible blueprint specifically for leveraging WordPress for affiliate marketing based on years or testing and tweaking. In fact, the WP Affiliate Guide is built on the principles outlined in Rosalind’s guide.
But let me not stray to far from the topic of this post, reviewing the Super Affiliate Handbook so you can decide whether it’s a worthwhile guide to help you build an affiliate business. Continue reading »